
How I Applied For The Australian Partner Visa 2025 Update

Are you thinking about applying for an Australian Partner Visa? Or are you already in the middle of the process and finding it all too overwhelming whilst you’re trying to get your Australia visa? Let’s face it – there’s not a huge amount of information online about applying for the Australia Partner Visa. So, I thought I’d share a huge update about it since I applied.

Turns out more than half of the people applying for the Partner Visa for Australia get refused nowadays (we’ll tell you more about why, later in this post).

If you’re looking for a migration agent you can trust to help you, check out True Blue Migration Services. They will offer you a free visa assessment, just let them know we told you about them.

Should You Use A Migration Agent?

Make sure your dream of living by the beach becomes a reality

If you’re a bit unsure of migration agents, I get you. No one wants to be paying out more than they need to for an already expensive visa. To be honest, you need to go through a migration agent because they are the only people who have the most up-to-date information other than Australian Immigration. I’m sure you too have been on hold for hours trying to get through Australian Immigration as we were too.

Don’t ruin this life-changing moment over something you wish you should have done, by getting your visa rejected. Honestly, you won’t regret a life of adventure in the sun in Australia!

If you’ve not read our series on Australian visas on this site yet, you’ll begin to notice how we only ever mention True Blue Migration Services when talking about Migration Agents. We know there’s a sea of migration experts in Australia and yet you need someone trustworthy like we did. That’s why we only mention these guys because they are so good at what they do.

Ask True Blue Migration Services any questions or concerns you have and they’ll get back to you for FREE.

That’s right, you don’t have to pay any consultation fees just to ask True Blue Migration Services a question. If you have questions or concerns, simply send them an email and they’ll get back to you at no cost. Honestly, there’s nothing more frustrating than spending a couple of hundred dollars just to get some questions answered!

Australian Partnership Visa Updates You Need To Know!

There are a couple of things you need to know before applying for the partner visa.

The applicant and sponsor will both need to demonstrate that they can speak functional English. If you’re English isn’t great, book some language classes before you apply!

There will also need to be an upfront sponsor approval as well. This means you’ll need to lodge the sponsor application first, before you can lodge the actual Australian Partner Visa application. With this extra step involved, it means there may well be an increase in the visa soon. Personally knowing this information, I wouldn’t wait any longer and apply as soon as you can before these changes are put in place.

If you’re worried about these updates, just pop True Blue Migration Services an email first to check with them.

Watch My Australian Partner Visa Video!

In our Partner Visa Australia video, we go through our entire application literally moments before we sent it off to Australian immigration. When we applied you could either send it via post or online. Just as an FYI – you can only send it via online now. Also, this is the very first video I made for Londoner In Sydney!

Our Partner Visa Australia Story

<em>I met Steve here in the Himalayas In India in 2011 <em>

I came in on a Working Holiday Visa to Australia for one year when I first met Steve (the Australian!). We then left the country after that one year and travelled the world for a year with actually no intention of coming back to Australia.

So we didn’t have any bills or rental agreements to supply when we decided to come back to apply for the partner visa a year later But, we had been together for over a year, in fact two years by this point and we could prove us being together the whole time with for example, airline print outs of our travels around the world.

…And we had Steve’s mum vouch for us as living with her for that year.

When I returned the following year, I came in on a three month tourist visa to Australia and then applied for the defacto partner visa.

Where Applicants Go Wrong


True Blue Migration Services told us recently a lot of the Australian Partner Visa applications apply for the partner visa to Australia BEFORE they’ve been in a relationship for one year. This is how you’ll most certainly get refused so please don’t apply for the spouse visa before you’ve been in a relationship for at least 1 year.

Not To Scare You But…


There are actually two parts you need to apply for the Australian Partner Visa. Yep, I had no idea either. Just to explain it’s split into the following parts:

820 visa which is this one I’m talking about in this post. This is the first one you need to apply for which is your temporary visa.

801 visa which is the second part of this visa (you can read my post about applying for the 801 visa here). You can apply two years after you’ve been granted your 820 visa. This is the permanent visa, aka your PR. Once you’ve got this you can chill. You can then look into citizenship after that but you’ll need to be in Australia for at least four years, with at least 12 months on Australia Permanent Residency.

The good news is, once you pay out the fee for the first visa, it pays mostly for the second half too (bar like $200). With the second half, you’ll need to apply all over again BUT you just need to mainly prove your relationship since you applied for the 820 visa. Basically, keep a folder on your desktop of things you would include and keep adding to it as time goes on.

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Australian Partner Visa Costs


So the Australian visa cost isn’t cheap at all. As it currently stands the partner visa to Australia costs FROM AUD$8,850 if you apply in Australia. I remember paying a good few extra thousand dollars on top of the cost for extras like the medical.

The interesting thing is if you apply for the spouse visa to Australia in your home country, it costs the same as applying in Australia – it used to be a lot less. If you apply for the prospective marriage visa to Australia it costs a lot less.

Find out more about the Australian Partner Visa cost on the Australian Government site.

Australian Partner Visa Processing Time


As it currently stands the Immigration website states that it takes between 22 – 27 months to process. True Blue Migration Services mentioned that it might not take as long and could be up to just 12 months, especially if you’re applying during Covid. If you apply for the partner visa from your home country, you’ll have to wait until it’s approved before you come to Australia.

Start Your Australian Partnership Visa Application ASAP


Make a start on the Australian Partner Visa application as soon as you are sure you are going to apply for the visa. Do not wait until the last minute as it will take you way longer to get all the documents together than you think. It took me three whole months and I wasn’t working at the time because I was on a tourist visa.

Do The Following Straight Away!

Get your relationship certified

Get your relationship certified as that takes a good 4 weeks before you get the certificate. If you’re in NSW you can apply for your relationship to be certified here.

Find your birth certificate

Apply for a birth certificate from your home country because that can take a good 5 weeks for delivery to an Australian address. I got a certified copy of my birth certificate from the UK Government here.

888 Forms

Ask Australian family and friends to fill out the 888 forms here (which they need signed by a JP too) and make sure you get them back in time to submit. I included six, that was four from Steve’s family, one of his family friends and one of my school friends who is now an Australian resident.

Find a JP

Find a JP (Justice Of The Peace) who will happily sign all of your stat decs and any forms you need signing to confirm your identity. This includes; copies of your passport and the passport photos of you. They stamp the copies of the documents and sign it. We found one on the net who lived nearby who I called and they happily came round twice to sign everything for us. You can find your nearest JP here.

Wait Until After You’ve Lodged The Application


There are a couple of time consuming things you can wait to do until after you’ve lodged your application for your visa to Australia which include the following:

• Apply for police clearance in the countries you have lived in as well as Australia, can take a good 4 weeks

• Book your medical. The waiting time isn’t that long so you can wait until after you’ve lodged it.

Now you probably know by now that there isn’t a lot of info out there on how to actually apply for this visa. I’ve decided to list the contents page from my application to at least give you a starting point in getting all your documents together which I’ve updated accordingly to reflect if you’re applying for the defacto partner visa to Australia.

How To Get The Australian Partner Visa Application Ready


The first section (Folder 1 – 4) is dedicated to forms and ID. Most of the contents in these folders need to be signed by a JP.

I actually sent my application off in the post but it’s all done electronically now so just use this as a guide for how to organise and submit your application.





Then there’s the next section dedicated to show how you are in a genuine relationship where you include house bills, photographs, etc below (Folder 5 – 8)


Folder 5 –  Financial Aspects: table of contents and documents

Folder 6 – Nature of the household: table of contents and documents

Folder 7 – Social Context of the Relationship: table of contents and documents

Folder 8 – Nature of Commitment to each other: table of contents and documents

My Personal Contents Page

<em>This is my actual application ready to send off I told you it took me three months of full time commitment to get it ready<em>

The application is split into two sections; folders 1 – 4 is basically all about forms. Then from folders 5 – 8 it’s all about proving you’re in a genuine relationship which is where you’ll need to get a bit creative.

Folder 1: Forms

1.1 Subclass 820 Application Document Checklist

Folder 2: Statutory declarations

2.1 888 Form – Statutory Declaration by a supporting witness (x6)
2.2 Statutory Declaration by Applicant on the history of my relationship with Sponsor
2.3 Statutory Declaration by Sponsor on the history of my relationship with Applicant

Folder 3: Personal documents of applicant

3.1 Certified copy of the biographical data page of the passport
3.2 Recent passport size photographs (2x)
3.3 Certified copy of birth certificate
3.4 Certified copy of UK Driver Licence
3.5 Form 80 – Personal particulars for character assessment
3.6 Certified copy of most recent Bank Statement
3.7 Applicant Curriculum Vitae
3.8 Copies of current visa approval letters

Folder 4: Personal documents of sponsor

4.1 Certified copy of the biographical data page of the passport & recent passport size photographs (x2)
4.2 Certified copy of birth certificate
4.3 Certified copy of NSW Driver’s License
4.4 Original letter of employment

Evidence Of Genuine And Continuing Relationship 

This is more of the creative section where you need to prove you’re in a genuine relationship.

Folder 5: Financial Aspects

5.1 Joint Statutory Declaration stating a summary of our Financial Aspects.
5.2 Original letters of joint bank accounts
5.3 Relevant purchases made for before/during our trip around the world
5.4 Flights booked for our trip around the world
5.5 Room bookings made for our trip around the world
5.6 Bank statements of applicant showing all purchases made since the relationship started.
5.7 Bank statements of Sponsor showing all purchases made since the relationship started.

Folder 6: Nature of household

1. Joint Statutory Declaration stating a summary of the Nature of our Household.
2. Statutory Declaration from landlord stating rental lease.
3. Confirmation Emails for household purchases.
4. Applicant proof of address living with Sponsor in Australia.

Folder 7: Social aspect of the relationship


1. Joint Statutory Declaration of the Social Aspect of our Relationship
2. Photos of Applicant and Sponsor together & with friends every month and every country visited from****.
3. Joint cards from Applicant & Sponsor’s families
4. Personal cards to and from the Applicant & Sponsor
5. Photos of Applicant & Sponsor with both families.
6. Photo evidence of gifts to and from the Applicant & Sponsor
7. Email confirmation of gifts to and from the Applicant & Sponsor
8. Gig tickets confirmation
9. Joint gym membership
10. Screen shot of mutual friends on Facebook
11.Cards from friends to Applicant
12.Screen shot of website both Applicant & Sponsor built in Malawi, Africa
13. Postcards of Applicant & Sponsor’s trip around the world to Sponsor’s mother

[alert type=red ]AUREC has advised the below is only needed if you haven’t got a strong application[/alert]

14. Personal Emails between Applicant, Sponsor and Sponsor’s mother.
15. Personal Emails between Applicant and Applicant’s Sister re: Sponsor.

Folder 8: Nature of the commitment to each other

1. Joint Statutory Declaration of our Nature of Commitment to each other (this basically means it’s a letter of us detailing our commitment and our future plans for our life in Australia.)
2. Certified certificate of Births, Deaths & Marriages – Relationship certificate.
3. Screenshots of proof that Applicant & Sponsor are each other’s beneficiaries for their Super Funds.
4. Applicant’s Application Form for working for **** company from **** stating Sponsor as the emergency contact (dated ****)
5. Evidence that Applicant’s second year Working Holiday Visa was approved and sent to Sponsor’s email for confirmation.
6. Time spent apart – Leaving cards, emails and postcards sent to each other whilst Applicant went back to UK.
7. Personal cards to each other – Birthday, Valentines, Christmas and Anniversary Cards. (these were photocopied and signed by JP to prove they are real).
8. Facebook status screenshots stating when Applicant and Sponsor made their relationship official on social media.
9. Private Facebook conversations between Sponsor and Applicant.
10. Emotional support emails and cards to each other.
11. Applicant & Sponsor’s joint blog re: their trip around the world.
12. Proof of Applicant & Sponsor’s Will’s. (we just signed up to a cheap will service)

Why You Need To Use True Blue Migration Servics

I would personally use True Blue Migration Services if I was about to submit my Australian Partner Visa Application now.

I’ve shown you what to expect when applying for the partner visa to Australia. Here’s some of the reasons why you really need to strongly think about using them to help you secure this visa.


1. Not only is the cost to apply for the partner visa so high, but you’d also be mad to risk it not getting approved. Like I said before, True Blue Migration Services are widely known as the best migration agents in Australia!

2. I wonder whether my application would get approved now that immigration has become stricter with the applications. We didn’t have proof of financial bills or rental agreements in place back then because we were staying with Steve’s mum or we were travelling the world.

3. You really need to make sure you have been together for over 12 months when you apply for the spouse visa to Australia. If you apply before you’ve been together for 12 months, it will get rejected.

4. You don’t need to get your medical or police check before you apply because they expire after 12 months. Seeing as the current wait time is at least 20 months, you’ll only have to get them done again.

5. Every application is different so you need True Blue Migration Services to help you make sure yours is completely clear and concise. The wording in your application is absolutely crucial and they know exactly what to do to help you get it over the line.


As I state in the disclaimer below, I can not tell you how to apply for the visa, I am just stating what I did. If you have any questions about applying for the Australian Partner Visa, drop True Blue Migration Services an email and they will do their best to answer it for FREE!

Good Luck!

Disclaimer – I do not work for immigration, I am just someone who has been through the visa process and have written this post to state what I did. If you have any questions, I do advise you to contact True Blue Migration Services. They are the only people who can give you the most up-to-date and correct answers. 

Read more of my Australian Visa Guides!


Need more help with your Australian visa process? Check out my guides here.

Australian Partner Visa Guides 

Australian Citizenship Guides

Finding a migration agent and understanding the visa process

Co-Founder and Editor
    1. Hi there, it depends what visa you are on before. As I was on a tourist visa, I got my bridging visa the day after my tourist visa expired. They just sent me an email stating it. Let me know if you have anymore questions that need answering! Thanks

      1. Hi if your going on a bridging visa from a tourist visa does this give you working rights? i thought the working rights follows the rights of your old visa? My boyfriend hopes to go on a state sponsorship visa and his agent originally told us I can go on a tourist visa and then apply for bridging but later backtracked and said I would need to apply from the UK. Thanks any info helps 🙂

        1. Hi Camille, I came in on a tourist visa for 3 months then appplied for the defacto visa. I automatically went onto a bridging visa meaning i could work whilst I waited for the defacto visa. Thanks!

        2. Hey ..thankyou for such a detailed explanation.. I have a query .. I am just applying for my spouse visa fromantic outside Australia.. is it possible that I can visit aust on a visiting visa while my spouse visa is being processed because it’s takes a long time and my husband is already in aust and has an Australian pr .. will wait for your response :))

        3. Hi which tourist visa would you go on to then apply for the partner visa please? The only one I can see is the 651 which would allow this?

  1. Wow Ana this is so thorough! You’ve done an amazing job. We submitted about half of the items you mentioned so fingers crossed it’s enough. Wish I had watched this first for ideas!

  2. Hi Ana
    This is so so helpful and this is the only blog ive seen who say you can apply for the partner visa whilst on a tourist visa. Is this for sure as I am currently on a working holiday and it end in dec. me and my boyfriend have been together since jan 29th. I want to come back on a visitors visa in around February to make sure it is a year and we can collect enough evidence that it has been a year since the start of our relationship.
    Did you call immigration to ask about the visitors visa.
    Because if not I will have to do 3 long months of farm work to extend the visa.
    Any information would help so so much. Thanks very much for your blog !!

  3. Hi Gabrielle, I applied for the partner visa after being on a tourist visa so it’s all fine. I know you definitely have to leave the country after being on a WHV as you cant automatically go onto a Tourist Visa whilst being in the country. (I know this because I was once on a WHV and wanted to stay in the country a bit longer on a tourist visa thinking it would be fine but they won’t let that happen).

    You’ll have to leave the country preferably with the boyf, then come back in on a tourist visa for 3 months and only then you’ll be able to apply for the partner visa. You wont be able to work whilst on the tourist visa. Immigration will tell you that they can’t technically give you advice but I called them loads about it and it’s all good to apply so you’ll be a lucky one who won’t have to go through the dreaded farm work 🙂 Put your application in just before the tourist visa is up and the day after the tourist visa finishes you’ll then automatically go onto a bridging visa meaning you can work again. If you need anymore advice you can contact me privately if you like at Thanks and good luck!!x

    1. Hi, I wrote something about this on a previous thread but just a question as it appears you applied for your partner visa while on the first 3 month stint of your holiday/tourist visa… Did you have to wait out the 12 months for the entire visa to expire or did they grant your BVA when the first 3 month period came to an end? Thanks for your help!

    2. it is not so easy and on many tourist visas it says that can NOT apply for a nother type of visa. for example , that annotation woukld be on visa if applicant was a Ukrainian but maybe not on one from an EU country. Blatant discrimination !

  4. Fantastic post! Can’t wait to share this with my readers. I get a lot of questions about proving de facto for visa applications and this will be a huge help, especially from someone that has gone through it.

    1. Hi Lauren, thank you so much! I love your site, its amazing! I found it from the Top Expat Bloggers in Australia post (congrats by the way!!). Would absolutely love for you to share my post/blog with your readers!! Thank you!!!! 🙂

  5. Thank you so much for sharing it! I found it is very helpful when my partner and I are in the process of applying the partner visa for me. My visa is expired in 2 months and I hold a temporary graduate visa now. I am confused about how to write statutory declaration, as you said it would be an essay, and I found a form from immigration website called “statutory declaration act 1959” ( here is the link: ). are they the same? Thank you, Michelle.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      You can do either. So you can fill out the form or write your own. I found it easier to write my own. I typed it and hand signed it with a JP to witness. If you need anymore help, please let me know. Thanks and good luck!

    2. I just hand wrote my stat decs, no form used. So i just wrote about each folder explaining what was in it, and I wrote my personal stat dec in folder 2 about my relationship with my partner, I just wrote about what he meant to me and how we met as well as how we plan to live together in Australia. Hope that helps

      1. Thank you for replying! Yes I hand wrote my stat decs as well and applied 8 months ago now holding a bridging visa a. 2 weeks ago i got an automatic email saying that my application is in queue now and realized I needed to fill the form 80 and do health check, but they haven’t send me a HAP ID yet and I applied in person in Melbourne office. So I called them and they said all i need to do is just wait. Could you please share with me that how did you get your HAP ID to book your health assessment? Thank you Annabel

  6. Thanks so much for this detailed insight into your application, the video has helped me so much. I’m currently in the process of getting all my documents together to send off hopefully in a couple of months time. I was originally going to apply online but the immigration website is such a faff I’m going to gather everything on paper. Did you physically write on the 40sp and 47sp forms, or fill them in electronically and print it off? Also did you handwrite anything at all such as captions for photos etc or is everything word processed? I’m thinking of creating a hand-written timeline of our relationship but I’m not sure if it would be more appropriate to try and word process it. Thanks in advance for your advice!

    1. Hi Gabby,

      I hand wrote the forms as it was much easier to do. Saying that, when I made mistakes, I had to redo them which was annoying! I printed off six photo’s per A4 page and hand wrote on them what they were and the date they were taken. As long as your handwriting is fine to read then its ok. I think you have to write in black ink pen though. Best of luck!

    2. Hi Gabriella, I hand wrote most of it but for your timeline I’d probably type it just to make sure it’s really clear. I hand wrote on the paper the photo was printed on and hand filled out the forms but I think it would be better to type your timeline. Best of luck!

  7. This is the BEST summary and breakdown of what is required and what to do. I have been researching ways and means for AGES and the gov websites are painful, written in jargon and difficult to understand exactly what you actually need to do. THANK YOU. Saved me a world of pain and frown lines 🙂 xxx

    1. Hi Sam, so glad I can help you. If you need anymore help email me directly and I’ll do my best to respond to your questions. Thanks, Annabel

  8. Thanks for such an amazing, thorough summary!! I am trying to apply for the same visa and I am in the 1 year living together stage but I cannot get a visa for longer than 6 months. How did you live with your boyfriend in Sydney for a year?

    1. Hi there, I was on a Working Holiday Visa for our first year. I came back in on a tourist visa and applied that way. Hope that helps!

  9. Hello- I was just wondering with the statutory declaration forms- can these be typed up into the boxes or do they need to be handwritten?

    Thanks 🙂

  10. Hi! So glad to come across your website! My bf and I are getting married in Turkey in December. I am trying to figure out what visa he should come on so that we can apply for the 820 on shore. I am worried that coming on a tourist visa will have a “no further stay” limit on it which will not allow him to apply for a 820. I am abit confused about the process, if he comes in on a tourist visa and we apply for an 820, which will take approx 12-14 months (according to DIMIA) to be processed. What happens after the 3 month visitor visa runs out? Will they issue a bridging visa while waiting for 820 to be approved? Also, would he be able to work on this visa? Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Lynn, I did exactly that – i came in on a tourist visa for 3 months then applied for the defacto visa. I then went onto a bridging visa meaning I could work whilst waiting for the defacto visa to be approved. All easy, thanks!

  11. Hi Annabel,

    First of all, thank you so much to share with people your skills and tips of how to proceed and what to do to apply for the Partner visa.

    My name is Roberto and I am Brazilian. I am living 3 years in australia and 1 year ago I met my GF and she is Australian. We are living together since January this year, and my actual visa at the moment is the Student which is about to expire in December.

    I started reunite all the necessary documents and I will apply by mail with folders, exactly like you did.

    My question is when exactly should I lodge this documents, to apply? As my visa is about to expire 02/12 and I am afraid about being ilegal if this visa doesnt grant in time.

    Thank you for now.


  12. Great job! Very helpful… so happy I found your site as I was desperate with getting all the paperwork done… Thanks a lot!!! Love your blog 🙂

  13. Hello, i just wanted to know how much this costed? as i am looking in to applying for a de facto relationship as well. Thank you for the information!

    1. Hi Jenny, at the time the visa cost something like $4,000. I then paid an extra $2000 on medical fees, police checks etc but the cost has now gone up. I think it’s now $6,000 before any add ons. Good luck!

  14. Hi
    Great Blog.
    My situation is very similar i met my Irish partner in Australa we where together for 6 months before we left to travel but no documents or lease in our names. Could you tell me if there was anything else you submitted from your travels?
    We have also been in Ireland for 2 months staying with my partners parents should we get a stat dec written up. We have mail addressed to the house in both names, invite to a wedding etc.
    If you could give some advice that would be great.

    Thank you

    1. I included flight details of our travels, trips that were booked, basically anything that was in both our names as well as a photo of us both from every country we went to or every month we had been together. Hope that helps!

  15. Hey

    Do you know if your sponsor has to be employed?
    My girlfriend is taking a break from work at the moment, since August, but she has full work history before that.

    Thanks 🙂

    1. Thanks Myles, that’s amazing you got it in less than a month as I’ve not heard of anyone getting it that quickly before. Did you apply recently?

    2. Myles, as you have applied quite recently, what did you have to pay for the visa? its a bit confusing knowing what the current ball park price is I am seeing £3000-£5000 on different websites.

  16. Thank you so much for this tips, it makes it much more easy to figure out how to organise all this paperwork! You’re a legend.

  17. Sorry if I missed this in the article or the comments but how long did it take from handing in the application to getting the defacto visa approved?
    I am a Londoner too, Met my BF while travelling in Aus in 2011, we have been in London since 2013, we really want to move back to Australia but it all seems so expensive and terrifying, we also have a dog, she has been my dog for 9 years, I don’t know how I could leave her, I am being quoted £3000 to take her over! All seems so overwhelming at this point –

    1. Hi CCBloom, it took a year to get it approved but I was on a bridging visa until it got approved so I could work during that time. I can’t help you with pets I’m sorry but I have heard it’s cheaper to apply for the visa in UK than in Australia. Best of luck!!

  18. Hi Annabel,

    great piece of work and so helpful.

    I have a basic question:
    How do you get your relationship certified?


  19. Hi, thank you for the advice and it has helped me and my partner prepare for my visa. We have a lot of phone bills and chat history that we would like to include in our evidence, because most of our relationship was long distance interstate.. I was wondering if the evidence for communication need to be printed in colour and certified?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi there, Doesn’t matter if in colour or black and white. Also I’m not sure about getting phone bills certified, check with a JP or immigration, Thanks!

      1. Thanks! I called them and they said only official documents eg. identity docs need to be certified. Thought I’d update just incase anyone else was also wondering 🙂

  20. Hi, how many pages is your history of relationship? Should I just compress my letter into one page? Thank you.

    1. Hi there, mine was about 3 pages worth! Just make sure you write down how you met, what you’ve been up to since meeting, what your plans are for the future in australia and why you both want to live in australia. Thanks!

      1. Hi, thank you for reply! Mine is 3 pages too. But I’m worrying about my sponsor he is lazy writer.. His letter is only one page. Anyway last question, about your “Subclass 820 Application Document Checklist” did you do it by yourself or there is a pdf ready document on the immig site? Thank you so much! 🙂

        1. Hi, don’t worry. My bf only wrote a page too! (typical men!!). I made the checklist myself. Best of luck!

  21. Hey i need your help. please advice me what i should do now as i am in trouble atm. I have lived in Canberra for 5 years and i applied for partner visa after registering my defacto relationship with the certificate. The decision was yet pending but i went overseas and later i came to know that i can not get back in Australia as of the condition of my bridging visa which is NO OVERSEAS TRAVEL. I really need to get back please help

    1. is your visa bridging visa A? before travelling overseas you should apply for bridging visa B then apply for bva again when coming back to australia

    2. Hi there. Yes, you have to check with immigration before leaving australia. But, I’d be on the phone to them now about it. They will be the best help to offer you in this situation. Best of luck!!

        1. I think you misread her comment, she meant “If I was you, I”d be on the phone to them” as in, you need to ring them.
          best of luck

          1. Thanks Matt, yep HCib you need to call them yourself. I am just someone who has been through the partner visa process. I am not associated with immigration and certainly not able to advise about whether you can come back into Australia. You’ll have to call them to explain your situation. Thanks and good luck!

  22. Hi,
    My wife is here on a tourist visa and will soon apply for the 820, we you able to work while you were on your bridging visa?
    if she is unable to work for the 12+ months it takes to process the 820, it could be a really boring time lol

    1. I had to head into the immigration office and fill out a Form 1005 which grants changes to your bridging visa that allow you to work. It seems crazy that this isn’t granted automatically, it’s a very expensive visa and most of the applicants need to get to work in order to pay it off! Best of luck!

    1. Hi Emma! Bank statements can provide information about your postal address, joint accounts and financial support between the two of you. CV does not provide any of the requirements, but since this type of visa is very subjective and different from a person to another, maybe they consider that you are a professional, a hard worker, whatsoever, and that you have references.
      Everything counts! Good luck!

  23. Wondering if anyone’s had this experience:

    I came over to Australia last week on a tourist visa (valid for three months), applied and paid for the partner visa and was granted a bridging visa. I went to apply for jobs and realized my tourist visa had not been overwritten by my new visa. Seems logical now, but what I’ve had to do in order to not wait around for three months to start working, was to head down to the immigration office and fill in a Form 1005 which changes the rights on your visa. I applied yesterday to have my Bridging Visa A re-written to include ASAP working rights, and plead my case that I am 25 years old and NEED to work as soon as possible! It *looks* like it will work out, but I swear I’m going to write a book as soon as this visa is granted to me. I’ve had 50/50 success with the government and immigration offices; information from blogs like these have been a life saver!

        1. Do you have to pay it all at one time? or there are few stage to pay? if yes, how much to do have to pay upon submitting?

    1. hey, did your bridging visa get granted? Id love to be able to do that and start working sooner instead of waiting out the 3 months!

      1. Hi Kerala, nothing yet unfortunately,! Still keeping in touch with an ombudsman and sending in form 1005 a couple times a week. Squeaky wheel gets the grease! Everyone at immigration says something different and the website has not been much help so I’m just going to annoy people until someone replies. Hope you have better luck than me!

        1. Hi Erin, please keep in touch, I’d be keen to know if this works out for you. I was always under the impression you had to wait 3 months until the tourist visa was up before I could work. Thanks

          1. Hi guys, please keep me updated on this thread! My husband’s tourist visa officially expires in November (looking at it from the perspective of it being a 12 month visa) but we are hoping to get him the bridging visa before that if we apply in the next few months. I have asked the immigration department but not received a clear answer on whether the visa expires 12 months after being issued, or at the end of every 3 month stint (as you are required to leave the country 3 months after each entry). Hope this makes sense!

  24. Hi – this is a very interesting blog as I’m planning to do partner visa for me and my Boyfriend who is based in Sydney. However, upon research, I found out that we need to be in a relationship for 1 year before we lodge in the application. Our 1st year will only be on November. So if my plan is to migrate before end of year, can I already lodge the application and all the necessary documents so it will be ready by that time? Thank you so much! You’re such a helpful angel! – hazelle

    1. Hi Hazelle, it’s best to check with immigration but I do know someone who was in a similar situation who did get the visa even though they hadn’t been together for 12 months when the applied. Thanks

  25. hello! I am glad I stumbled onto your blog, and what a great read it is! I am an Australian PR and me and my girlfriend are planning to apply for the Partner visa. However, I have been living/working in overseas for the past 3 years and that’s when i met my girlfriend and am planning to return to Melbourne with her. Do all Partner visa applications require the relationship to be registered? If so, can we register our relationship even though she has no residential address in Melbourne?
    Thanks for your help !

    1. Hey Jun, If you do not register the relationship then you must show that you have been in a relationship for at least months. I copied it off the government website for you.
      If you are living in a de facto relationship, provide one of the following:

      -evidence that you have been in the relationship for at least 12 months before you apply for this visa
      -evidence that of compelling and compassionate reasons for applying before the 12 month period has passed
      -evidence that you have registered your relationship in Australia with the relevant state or territory authority.

  26. Hello! I hope this doesn’t sound rude asking but when you applied did you and your boyf have a lot of savings? Do they want you to have atleast 15000 or something like that? Thanks so much for your blog! youre a hero.

    1. Hi there, I didn’t have very much at all but I did have enough to pay for the visa. Thanks!

  27. Hello,

    I´m an Australian citizen who´s been living in Spain for the last 7 years. Last year I married my Spanish husband in Australia (while he was on a tourist visa) and we returned to Barcelona. We´re very keen on coming back to Melbourne to live and we´d prefer to apply onshore.. so, my question is: do you know if he could come on a tourist visa and apply for a partner visa without problems? Many thanks in advance!


  28. Hey there. Hope you can help me here. my partner applied for a Permanenet partner visa and shes now on 820 bridging spouce visa. She now has to wait about 1.5 hours until immigration approved the aplication. My question is, can she travel to other countries for longer periods like 6 months. How will it affect her visa?

    1. Hi there. I’ve not left Australia since I applied for my visa back in 2014. It would be best for you to contact immigration on this one. Thanks!

  29. Hello, applying for the 820visa and my partners tourist visa ends on the 21st of may and we were wondering if we could put through the application on the 20th? Would his bridging visa come in or would he then be unlawful and have to leave the country until it does?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Isabella. Just make sure the visa has been submitted before 21st. I think I submitted mine a week before my visa was up. He’ll then go onto a bridging visa on the 22nd. But you’re cutting it fine by sending it through the day before. Thanks and good luck!

      1. WIth regards to this bridging visa- can you choose what type of bridging visa you go onto? My boyfriend is on a working holiday visa while we prepare our 820 application, once we submit the application and his working holiday visa runs out, will he still be able to work until the 820 application is decided? Thanks, this is such a helpful blog post!

  30. Hi Annabel, just wanted to say a massive THANK YOU for the time and effort you put in to write this blog. I have learned so much about the reality of the process and really appreciate your thorough detail.
    I do have a question though… I was wondering if you or anyone knows what the second part of the visa entails. I am reading that after 2 years if your situation is still the same the applicant will be granted permanent residency. What evidence needs to be provided for that? Is it the same level of detail as the initial part of the visa or would it be a declaration/interview/form/something simpler?

    1. Hi Emma, great question! I am currently in the process of applying for the second part. I’ll write another post once I’ve submitted it. Thanks!

  31. Hi there i was wondering if you can apply doing 47sp and 40sp and then collect the rest of the documents?

    1. If you do this online then I think you can do this. But do not submit your application until you have provided everything. this will cause a big delay in the visa getting approved. It’s best to submit everything at once but if you do it online you can complete the forms and then add everything else in but just don’t submit it until you have everything uploaded. Hope that makes sense?!

  32. This post and video is sooo helpful! This, along with the immigration checklist is helping my boyfriend and I apply for a de facto visa for him to stay in Australia. Thank you so much! I do have one question though, in regards to the Will component. My boyfriend and I have next to no assets haha, but I have found some quick will kit website where we can have something put together cheaply and quickly. It just seems like a really intense step and like I said we don’t have much to leave behind! Is this how you approached that component? Or do you have any tips for this bit?
    Thanks again!!!

    1. Hi Alyce, we did the quick will kits which we found online. We both didn’t have very much at all but it’s good to put it in to show that commitment to each other. It’s not mandatory though. Thanks

  33. Hi Annabel, my girlfriend is British and she is here on a tourist visa with the aim to apply for defacto partnership visa. On the 47SP form it asks for her current residential address which is officially in the UK but unofficially (due to tourist visa status) it is in Melbourne. Did you put your home (UK address) in this section or your sponsors Australian address? Many thanks in advance! This is a great blog!

    1. Hey Phillippa, I’m in the same situation, I’m english but living with my parenter in Australia and I’ve put the Australian address as my residential address, I figure thats where I’m living my day to day life currently! I have no idea if thats right but might help to know what others are doing anyways!

  34. Hi Annabel,

    Thanks so much for your meaningful advice.

    I have a question about the requirement for 1 year leaving together before lodging for 820 visa as I do not understand how exactly it can be calculated .

    Is that the 1 year time since you register your relationship with the state, or just the time you live together?

    Can I submit my application without the registration with the state?

    Thanks Annabel



    1. Hi Rosita, It just means being together for 1 year. I registered our relationship a few months before I applied for the visa. I would definitely recommend registering your relationship though, thanks

  35. Hi,

    Just wondering, how long did it take in the end, from the time you submitted your application to the time you were granted your visa? Was it over 1 year?

  36. Can this application be started from outside the country? Or do I need to wait until i arrive in Australia on the 90 day tourist visa?

    1. Hi Josie, You can apply outside Australia but i’m not sure when you can enter during the process. Best to contact immigration on this one, Thanks

  37. Hello There,
    Your website has been really helpful :0 In a months time im about to lodge my 820 Visa application (My bf is aussie, met him in the London two years ago) arrived in Australia 2015 got everything sorted, done medical , police checks, cerifited everything however im lodging everything by post, gonna head to lee street in Sydney on the july 11th, now im extremrly confused on how to pay? please please help! is where you write your bank details on form 47sp? and how will I know when they will process the payment? im so confused?

    1. Hi, I am exactly in the same situation, I have everything ready and I am going to send my application in Brisbane but I don’t know when and How to pay … Thank you so much for your answer ! 🙂

    2. It is confusing. The payment details is on one of the forms. I can’t remember which one. I used an awesome E-guide which I found online. Check out – The immigration agents are furious lol because now there is a way to help that DOESN’T cost $4k

  38. Hi LondonerInSydney,
    I have gone through the tortuous application and have been lucky enough to be granted the Temporary visa (Thank goodness!). I’ve started going through the application for the second half and was wondering if you have started/completed this too? And if you have, if you can offer any advice?
    Many thanks,

    1. Hi Kathleen, I have literally just finished the second part. I’m currently just waiting for my police clearance and once I get it, I’ll create another post and video to share with you all!

  39. Hey Annabel, thanks for the great blog, it is so helpful! I am currently in the process of applying for the same visa and cannot work out if I am the Sponsor (as the Welshie trying to stay in Oz), or my boyfriend is the Sponsor (as the Aussie Resident wanting to sponsor me to stay). Any advice you could give would be really appreciated. Thanks again 🙂

  40. Hi Annabel. You deserve a medal for your efforts. Being Australian I’m shocked at the lack of useful information provided by the relevant departments.
    Did you and your partner certify every piece of supporting evidence such as bank statements, utility bills, copies of cards or letters from sponsors family to applicant, designated beneficiary forms of pension or life insurance, purchases made, screen shots of email?
    I was in the immi office in Perth some months back confirming eligibility to apply within Australia and the guy 4 in front of me in the queue asked a question and was told “sorry I can’t answer that but if you do a Google search you’ll find the answer.” I nearly fell over. The department can’t answer your questions but Google can. Hilarious.

    1. Hi John, thanks so much for your kind comments! basically getting a JP to sign means they are confirming that your copies are of the official documents ie a printed copy of your passport, birth certificate etc. You don’t want to include any original copy as they wont send it you back. Hope that makes sense?!

  41. Hi there, Thanks for all the useful tips!

    Quick question when you arrived on the tourist visa did you have to have a return flight booked (so immigration had proof you wouldn’t overstay?)

    1. Hi there, I didn’t have a return flight. They actually didn’t ask me about it thankfully but I was going to say I was going to go onto NZ an book a flight shortly if they asked.

  42. Hi Annabel, your blog is by far the most comprehensive and useful article I’ve read so far. Thankyou soo much.. I started following you and you have a great deal of information to share. 😀 I have question though, I wanted to apply for the same path as yours (defacto-partner-visa). Due to time constraints, we are also planning to register our defacto relationship in NSW instead of getting married before lodging my Provisional visa (subclass 309). Would you know if this might conflict our future plans of getting married soon, say, while waiting for Permanent Partner visa (subclass 100) approval? Thanks much in advance.

    1. Hi there. I have absolutely no idea sorry. I’d contact immigration about this. Best of luck though 🙂

  43. Hi,

    I am in the process of applying for this visa myself and I was wondering with the personal cards between yourselves and family members, did you give the originals or certified copies? As these are personal items I would like to get them back after the application has been processed.

    Also my partner deleted the emails containing our boarding passes from any travel we did, I have screen shots of us checking in on Facebook do think this will suffice?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Sarah,
      Just wondering if you found an answer to your question regarding the personal cards. I am wondering the same…wouldn’t like to think if I submitted originals that I wouldn’t get them back.
      Thanks in advance!

    2. Hi sarah, don’t give them your personal cards as you wont get them back. That’s why I got a JP to sign any official documents like my passport scan and birth certificate – you on’t get them back otherwise. I just scanned the cards and wrote on the paper what the cards were for ie birthday, valentines etc. I don’t think you need to worry too much about boarding passes, do you have email confirmation of the flights booked? Just print that out if I were you. Best of luck!

    3. Hi there, just scan your cards as you wont get anything back. That’s why you need a JP to certify them. Definitely add in the facebook check ins, you need to show that you are together as a couple so more info you have the better. Thanks!

  44. Hello!
    After a long process I feel we are ready to submit but quick question- I have filled out the online application but as opposed to scanning and attaching the oh so many documents- can I post these seperately? Or does it have to be all by post or all online if that makes sense?

    1. Hi Una, I can only imagine you have to either scan it all or post it all not both. But check with immigration on that one! Best of luck!

  45. Hello!
    After a long process I feel we are ready to submit but quick question- I have filled out the online application but as opposed to scanning and submitting the oh so many documents- can I post these instead? Or does it have to be all by post or all online if that makes sense?

  46. Hi all. Does anyone know how long they give you to enter Australia after the visa is granted if you make the application from England?

  47. Also Annabel I was wondering… would you happen to know what the deal is with travelling back to the UK to visit family if you’re in Aus on the temporary visa?

    1. Are you already on the 820 visa? If so, you can go back. But if you’re on a bridging visa, you’ll have to contact immigration to fill out a form and it costs as well but I’m unsure how much that is (about $100 or so, i think!)

      1. Thanks, you’re so knowledgeable! I’m just sussing all this out in advance for my boyfriend 🙂 Really appreciate the help.

  48. Hi thanks for your post, super helpful. Just wondering about your skype convos. How did you access old skype info to use as proof? Also for your joint Stat Dec statements, did you each write one out or just write it in “we” form? Cheers!

    1. Hi Lihz, I didn’t include any skype conversations but it might be worth screen shot them. We wrote one state dec between us for each folder but separate ones to describe our relationship. Thanks!

    2. Check out – The immigration agents are furious lol because now there is a way to help that DOESN’T cost $4k

    3. Hi Lihz, from what I’ve been told by an immigration lawyer, they do not accept skype sessions, what’s app or facebook messenger. My partner and I have to have phone records that we speak everyday (even if just for 5 seconds to say “hey babe, get on skype”) as we live apart at the moment. I think if you have the paid skype version then that might be accepted but otherwise they don’t considered as strong proof.

      1. Hi do you know if they accept records from Facetime? My boyfriend and I currently use Facetime quite a lot to speak with each other, would that work?

  49. Hi is it still possible to apply de facto visa but you haven’t been living together for 12 months but have registered our relationship to the birth,death,and marriage department?
    my partner and I haven’t had a chance to live together because I had to go back to my country to finished my diploma but we are planning on moving in together after I graduated. We’ve been together for 2,5 years

  50. Hey! Awesome awesome post here, thanks! One question from me though – did you take your final paperwork into immigration or send it through? I’d much prefer to take mine and hand it over to them…and if you handed it over in person, where in Sydney did you go? I only know the place to go in Melbourne! Thanks a million 🙂

    1. I used a guide that included all the information about where to send your documents…Also how to “register” your relationship. Just follow the links on the download 🙂 Check out – The immigration agents are furious lol because now there is a way to help that DOESN’T cost $4k

    2. You can’t take it in, in person unfortunately – trust me I tried! You have to send it, but make sure you send it via special and tracked so you know they get it.


  51. Hi I’m just wondering about the document checklist – I was just going to use the checklist on the immigration website and format it into a table…. Is that what you did or did you prepare it differently?

  52. Hi, quick question as I read in the blog you and your partner didnt have a rental agreement or anything. Ive just be talking to immigration and they cant advise me one way or another, but myself and my partner have been living with his parents the majority of the time. Would a letter from his parents suffice or do they need more?

    1. Anything and everything you can do helps. I filled out lots of “Statutory Declarations” to help make my application stronger. Check out – The immigration agents are furious lol because now there is a way to help that DOESN’T cost $4k

    2. That’s what I did. I got my partner’s mother, whom we had been living with to write a letter explaining that we had been living with her.

  53. Also, looking at previous comments im slighly confused. Is there two parts to the application? I know theres a temporary visa granted and then a permanent one but its only one application or two? How long do you wait to be granted the temporary one?? Cheers

    1. Hi Erika, you’re right – there’s two parts to the visa. This post is for the first one, the 820 temporary visa. I have just submitted my application for the second part 801 visa and will be posting up on here very soon, complete with another video!

  54. HI, this is very helpful I just have a question and I hope you can help me. Your on tourist visa while you lodge your de facto visa what happen after the tourist visa expired? Do you need to fly out Australia or you can stay while your waiting for the result?

    1. You receive a bridge visa while your application is processing, which is like an extension of her tourist visa but she can work.

  55. Good post. Can I ask what medical examination you obtained? Through the Bupa website there appear to be a number of tests available:
    Medical Examination (501)
    Chest X-Ray (502)
    HIV test (707)
    Hepatitis B test (708)
    Syphilis Test (712)
    Hepatitis C test (716)
    TB Screening Test (IGRA/TST) (719)


    1. Check out – It comes with full instructions on how to complete your medical 🙂

  56. Hey!! Your post is great thanks so much for sharing! 🙂
    I have a few questions if your are able to use your fountain of knowledge it would be much appreciated! 🙂

    If I get my English mother in law to be to write one of our Statutory declarations (is this allowed?) does she have to get it certified in the UK or do I get it certified here in Australia?
    Also we have never paid rent anywhere. We lived and worked in a hotel and have lived with our parents. What would you suggest to use instead as proof of living together? Declarations from our parents? Also something from the hotel?
    Also I cannot register my relationship as I am in South Australia (we don’t have anything like it here…stupid I know!!) Any alternative suggestions?

    Thanks so much X

    1. Hi Chelsea, I just looked it up about registering a relationship in SA. That’s weird you can’t do it in SA! I don’t think it’s a deal breaker by not registering it. We made out a will to eachother as well, that’s a good sign of commitment to use. If your mother in law is in UK, she will have to get a JP to sign over there. A JP is basically someone who witnesses your signature as you sign the documents. They have to be a registered JP so it’s not like anyone can sign.

      We didn’t have proof of actually living together either. If I were in your situation, I would gather up as much evidence to show you’ve been together the whole time. So, that would include, a letter from the hotel you’re living in, your parents and from anywhere else you’ve lived in. I also included a photograph of my partner and I every month we had been together and emails, cards, photos of me with my aussie partner’s family as well.

      Hope that helps!

  57. Hi there, this is Kimmy from Sydney. First of all, thank you for sharing this, it is really helpful as I also try to apply the 820/801 myself with my partner. I have couple of questions to ask you actually, I hope it’s okay. First of all is about the 888 form, how do you complete the form? So did your boyfriend’s family member have to hand writing it in “BLOCK LETTER” is did you just type it in the laptop/computer and printed out then bring it to the JP? Thank you.

  58. Hi there, thank you so much for your informative post. This really helped me get over my anxiety with starting the compilation of our documents! And you’ve possibly helped hundreds if not thousands of other people who are going through with this application. Thanks again for being so generous! 🙂

  59. Hi ! Thank you for such an amazing post 🙂 its so informative and helpful. Appreciate the effort.
    I am in the process of applying for a partner visa onshore and collecting documents. We got married in India 2 years back and my husband holds a PR for Australia. We have recently moved to Sydney.
    Wanted to know if ALL copies of documents have to be certified meaning – invitation cards, emails, travel proof etc. Slightly unclear on that. I do understand things like copy of passport, birth and marriage certificate have to certified but not sure abt other documents which support social and household aspects .

    Also, as I am applying onshore , is it so that all the documents have to be certified in Australia ? Thanks in advance !

  60. Hello guys! I have few questions about applying for Partner Visa. Me and my boyfriend met in the Philippines. We lived in together since July 2014. We didn’t planned ahead that we would need proof like shared bills, etc. (since he’s the one who’s paying for everything, i payed some bills but it’s on his name or the landlord’s. What i do have is proof of purchases that was addressed to his unit, pictures, trips in and out of the country.

    May 2016, we arrived together here in Australia. We’re staying at my boyfriend’s mum til now. He gave her money for bills but didn’t make a contract or anything.

    Only proof that we can provide since we got here in Oz would be: Joint Acc (Nov 2016), messages/emails to each otherproof of purchases/letters that addressed to same apartment, pictures together (with family and friends), receipts, movie membership cards.. That’s pretty much everything. We’ve been together for almost 3 years.

    Are we going to be refused right away with this kind of situation? Just worried, because it’s pretty expensive.

    Thank you. ?

  61. My girlfriend and I can’t be more grateful to you for going to such effort to write all of this! You are making our application process that much easier!! I had two questions regarding the application.

    1) In Folder 6 – Domestic arrangements
    You have a document stating ‘Statutory declaration from landlord stating rental lease’ is this just a letter/stat declaration from your partner’s parents (since you were living at their place)? Also on this, is a stat dec considered a letter which is signed and witnessed by a JP or is it a specific form.

    2) Do you suggest booking and having the medical even before applying for the partnership visa or only once you have applied?

    Thanks again!!

    1. Hi there, 1) all correct, yep, partner’s mother wrote a stat dec (letter) stating we were living with her and got it signed by a JP. 2) I did the medical before applying as I heard it can hold up the process. But, this was 3 years ago so it might have changed. Give immigration a call about this one. Best of lcuk!

  62. You are an angel, sharing your story and tips is so valuable to everyone!
    Quick Q: You came to Aus on the 3-month tourist visa THEN applied for the De Facto? Were you not worried about the ‘intention’? I’m in this situation right now and just want to be here in Aus with my partner while I apply for the visa!

    1. I did exactly that. We were travelling at the time and decided pretty quickly to come to Australia on the tourist visa. I was actually backpacking so my ‘intention’ would have been to continue on backpacking if asked and not mention the defacto visa. But I wasn’t asked a thing so it was all OK. Customs are very strict here in Australia just so you know!

  63. Hello there, thank you for sharing your experience over the de facto visa. Me and my scottish bf are planning to move to Australia and Ill be his de facto, but we’re in a long distance relationship for 2 years already. We met in Abu Dhabi while he worked here and went back to the UK and I stayed here. We only did trips to see each other every other month and we dont have any joint back accounts or bills since we never lived together. Is it sufficient for us to prove we’re in a relationship without joint bank accounts, bills, tenancy contracts, etc.? Many thanks in advance 🙂

    1. I personally didn’t have any of that either, but we did spend every day together and lived together. I think the whole point is to prove you are in a genuine relationship for 12 months or more. If you can prove that with other supporting evidence then I would give it a shot. But I’d ask immigration about this, as it’s a lot of money to take a risk on whether you will get it approved. Best of luck

  64. Hi

    Thanks for this informative post. Was just wandering with the bupa test if you get it done the month you apply but they don’t make a decision for 18 months is it still valid?
    I have been led to believe they are only valid for one year? Or do you have just had to have it done within a year of initial submission?


    1. I was worried about this question as well. Mine was all OK and they didn’t ask me to do another test even though I had to wait 12 months for a decision to be made with the application. Best of luck!

  65. Hi Annabel, thanks for a great site! I’m going through the process of pulling together my documentation at the moment and it’s pretty intense! I’m also from the UK moving to Sydney and was wondering if you had to provide any birth certs etc for your family unit? I’ve no children but I’m a bit confused by this!

  66. Hi there – thank you so much for your blog – super helpful. I have a question regarding the 888 Form – Statutory Declaration by a supporting witness, do you need to have the original forms or will scanned copies do? Did you decide to submit your application electronically or by mail?

    1. I submitted mine via post. I printed my 888 forms, got the friends and family to handwrite on them and signed by a JP. Best of luck with the application!

  67. Hi! Great site – Love your organisation skills!
    I have a question regarding timelines… We are also planning an entry on a tourist visa and then apply but trying to get docs together from his home country while we are still here. Can we have documents dated back before his entry into Australia? Just thinking of the whole intention to be a tourist thing and the expiry of police certificate and medicals etc…
    Can he do his medical in his home country with GP linked to Aus embassy?

    1. Hi Han, I can imagine the medical would need to be done in Australia. Best check with immigration on that one. Best of luck with your application!

  68. Hello everyone

    For about a week now I’ve been in UK, I’m currently in UK for work purpose, I got my work visa to UK processed by Team Alex, You would want to apply for your visa to U.S.A, CANADA, UK, INDIA or to any other country about 2 months before travel, Apply directly, Contact Alex customer operation team and request for visa information Form that has all the step by step process on how to obtain a visa along with the fees for processing.

  69. Hi, I’m loving the blog and it’s so helpful for me and my boyfriend 🙂 I’m just wondering if you had to do a IELST English test?

    1. I’ve not heard of this before and wasn’t required to do this test. Might be worth checking with immigration on this one. Thanks

  70. Hey! Thank you so so much for creating this post! Even several years later, it makes the process so much less daunting. I wanted to ask, what was the reason for including your CV? Thank you again!

  71. Hi can you offer help – we are applying for the 820 partner visa. I have submitted my form online (applicant) and now we are completing my partners form (the sponsor). When you submitted the long answer questions on each form (eg financial , social, nature of household etc) did you submit carbon copies on both forms, and just change I for he etc? or did you rewrite completely?

  72. Wow, I am so happy I have found your amazing blog. This post has saved me! My Australian boyfriend and I will be moving at the end of the year. Excuse my ignorance, but you have said JP a few times. What does it stand for?

    A few of our family/friends stat decs are from English people as our whole relationship has been over here. Can the documents be signed by a Solicitor or does it have to be a Notary?

  73. Hi, This blog has been super helpful! My partner and I have been together several years and are getting married in Australia in February 2020. I have applied for the tourist visa and awaiting approval. Did you specify that you were applying for the spousal visa when you applied for the tourist visa? I’m wondering if they will grant more than the 3 months if I provide that information.
    Thanks so much in advance!

  74. Hello,
    It would be really helpful if I get some of my queries answered:
    First of all, if my spouse who is an Australian citizen applies for me subclass 820 from Australia, then how long will it take for me to enter Australia? Do I need to wait for 20-29 months to enter with this temporary Partner visa or can I enter with this temporary visa right after launching my application?
    Also, it is mention in the immigration website that “You must be in Australia when you apply”, how can I be in Australia while applying as I have no valid visa at that moment.

    1. You can apply either in or out of Australia. You can come in on a tourist visa and apply. Best to contact AUREC migration though!Thanks

  75. Hello & thank you for posting this. Very helpful!
    I’d like to suggest correction on further statement: ‘If you apply before you’ve been together for 12 months, it will get rejected.’
    As per Homeaffairs website:
    If you haven’t been in the relationship for 12 months, tell us in writing why the 12-month requirement does not apply. For example:
    – provide evidence you have registered your relationship with an Australian births, deaths and marriages agency, or
    – explain any compelling and compassionate circumstances exist to grant the visa

    Kind regards,

  76. How much do we have to pay Aurec for their services? I and my boyfriend are going three months together and would love to apply for partner visa. I am based in Manila and he is in Sydney. Do you think this will work as we have been for few months? He has visited me here last month and just can’t live without each other. We are planning to do this on March or April this year. Thanks in advance.

  77. Hello! Great article. I’m a tad confused on where you said if you haven’t been together for 12 months you’ll get refused. The immigration website states that only applied to the De Facto relationship. But if you’re already married legally and apply for a partner visa, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together. (Of course you’ll still need to provide evidence your marriage is genuine) So maybe you can explain why you stated that applies to partner visa as well? Thank you 🙂

  78. Annie! Very helpful article!
    I’m just wondering, because now everyone apply online. Do I have to certify some documents such as Passport, driver licence, less imporant as e-maill when I will attach not a copy, but orginal version?

  79. Hi Annie,
    Thanks so much for this – super helpful!
    Wondering about your experience with applying for the tourist visa – did you have to indicate it wasn’t your intention to stay in Aus, ie that you were a genuine tourist? How did you handle this requirement, given you were planning to apply to stay?
    Thanks so much for your advice!

  80. Hi Annie,
    You said you were able to apply for the partner visa while in Australia on the three month Tourist visa?
    I ask because me and my wife (we have been married for 3.5 years and have a 2 year old daughter) have been planning on moving to Australia before the end of the year. I’m Australian and we want to apply for the partner visa for her as soon as we can after getting there. I just want to avoid her getting any visa with a “no further stay” condition on it that won’t allow her to apply while in Australia as I don’t want her to have to leave the country.
    From what my reasearch shows, going in on the 3 month Tourist visa is the best option.
    Thanks in advance

  81. Hi Annie, thanks for the post! Was your application approved? Could you let us know how long it took and if the immigration asked for any additional documents that further delayed the decision?

  82. most informative post on the subject. Im in your position now. My only question is, do you think with a few legal meets and guidance one can apply for this on their own and avoid the massive agent costs? or would you say its best that you use one because it looks better to immigration? with the info i have had from before and now from your video i’m sure i can do 99 of it myself..

    thanks again

    1. Hi Mandher, thanks for getting in touch. I think the problem is that I applied for the visa back in 2014. It’s harder to get the visa now so I would personally recommend chatting to AUREC Migration & Mobility to make sure you do get it granted. All the best. Thanks Annie

  83. Hey Annie,

    Thanks for the this info, very useful 🙂

    Just a quick question, I see you recommend AUREC a lot through your blog and that they mention that they have a 100% success rate.

    Unlike many of the other immigration lawyers and agents I can’t seem to find any reviews on them. Would you be kind enough to guide me to where I can find some further reviews and info.

    Anything like Trustpilot, Google reviews etc.

    Thanks in advance!


    1. Hi Claudio, they have a couple of reviews on their site but I don’t think they have set up Google Reviews. I know a lot of our readers have used AUREC too and have said how good they are. They have also been a great help for us and I definitely wouldn’t recommend them if I didn’t think they were good. Hope that helps!

  84. Hey Annie!

    Thanks for your reply 🙂

    Another quick question if you have time, we have been together 8 years, married 2 and have no shortage of proof of our togetherness.

    So not 100% sure we need an agent for our application, do you happen to know of any agencies who might be able to offer free advice to us just so we don’t make any glaring mistakes and be sure to make good choices?

    Any info would be great!


  85. Hi,
    Can you please advice on how to apply for 801 after getting 820 onshore? I got the 820 last month after a year. Now for the 801, I am wondering if I should open a ‘new application’ in the immiaccount page or I should wait till the immigration office let me know of the rest of the process?


  86. i have heard a lot about Dr OLISA on his good work for bringing back lost relationship but i never believe because so many spell caster scam me because of my LOVER who left me over a year. so a good friend of mine introduce me to Dr OLISA just because my condition was so bad and the responsibility in my matrimonial home was more than me. my LOVER left me for another, just because i couldn’t satisfy her in bed. so i email Dr OLISA and told him everything, he told me not to worry that my LOVE will come back and will also make me stronger in bed. he only told me to believe in him that after casting the spell my LOVER will come back immediately and beg for forgiveness. he did it for me and my LOVER came back to me in less than 48hours. thanks to DR OLISA you can also contact via email: dr.olisadoarz@gmail. com or whatsapp him via +46 70 194 13 09

  87. Just so you know, applying for the 1200$ prospective marriage visa is still not the partner visa, and even after they grant the prospective marriage visa, you STILL have to do the partner visa.

  88. Hi Annie,

    I have applied for a partner visa back in April and have done it all myself along with my partner who is Australian. I have already been asked to do my medical which I passed and they have now asked my partner to complete a sponsorship form is this a good sign for me being granted my visa?


  89. Hi Jess, looks like it’s all a positive thing, but I don’t know to be honest. Fingers crossed for you!

  90. Hey Annie,

    Thank you so much for this very helpful blog post, I think I would have been pretty lost without it!

    I’m looking at the form 80 at the moment, I wanted to ask did you give the full details of every contact you had in Australia? I have quite a few.. it’s going to take me ages haha..

    Appreciate your help 🙂

    1. Only for the contact for the form, obviously not the details of every person I know in Australia 🙂

  91. Hi Anna,

    This is really great, thank you so much. I wonder if you could advise where we could find the Stat Dec’s for these two? As on the official website there is only a Stat Dec for the Sponsor. So how does my husband write his Stat Dec?

    Also can I ask, the boxes are rather small, so could I use a word doc and write in the box continued on the attached doc and get it all signed by JP? Or can you just make the boxes bigger and longer?

    Many thanks for your insight and input.
    2.2 Statutory Declaration by Applicant on the history of my relationship with Sponsor
    2.3 Statutory Declaration by Sponsor on the history of my relationship with Applicant

  92. Hi Annie, Thank you very much for your wonderful blog.

    We are in the process of applying for the partner visa. My partner has submitted the complete application, and now it is my turn as a sponsor to apply for the sponsorship (right after the application submission).

    We have realized that the questions on the sponsorship application are the same as the applicant (such as nature of the household, etc.), and the supporting documents will be the same as the applicant if you know what I mean. I wonder how I should fill out the online application for those questions (i.e., statements) and what type of documents should be attached?

    Thank you, and I look forward to hearing from you!

  93. Hi Annie,

    I was hoping you’d be able to perhaps clarify something for me? I’m looking into applying for a partner visa but haven’t done so yet. I’m not in Aus yet, but thinking of applying for the partner visa while over there, rather than being overseas and applying. Should I start compiling evidence/documents now? Or is there no point until I start the application? I’m just wondering in regards to dates and timing. If I start compiling now and the officers think it’s not near enough to the time of application. If that makes sense?

    For example, my partner and I have travelled and worked together for over 6 years but all our jobs have included accommodation. So we don’t have our names on any leases or bills etc. If I wrote to all our employers and asked them to write a letter about how we lived together, worked together, our relationship etc would that suffice? And if so should I ask them to do that now, or is it too far in advance as I haven’t started the application yet?

    Your post was so helpful so thank you so much for that. It is definitely the most information I have come across about the process and I’m just very overwhelmed about it all at the moment, covid doesn’t help, so I apologise for my rambling questions and I would really appreciate any advice you have in regards to it. 🙂

    1. Hi there, when I was a backpacker and travelled for a year around the world, I just put my home address as my address on the application form. If you know you’re going to apply for the visa, start compiling the information as soon as you can as it will take quite a while to do so. Good luck!

  94. Which tourist visa will allow for me to apply for a defacto visa onshore before the 3 months is up? also is there a 6 month tourist visa that will allow me to do this. The ones I’ve looked at seem to have a condition of ” no further stay attached”.

  95. Hi

    I’m so confused!


    I am from the UK and 45 (already an issue!) and live in New Zealand normally with my partner who is Australian born and bred in SA.

    We met in NZ while he was there for his daughter (now left home) and I was working there since 2018.

    My NZ permanent resident visa is currently being processed and I’m expecting it end of May-ish.

    We are solid. Been through a fair bit at the hands of his ex this last year so I’d seriously have concerns over anyone not thinking our relationship is genuine!

    BUT – we genuinely don’t do cards, we’re very private and apart from having met his workmates at a xmas do (which was very unusual for either of us to attend!) we don’t have any kind of social circle to speak of.

    We’re both introverted musicians who (get the sickbag) only ever feel comfortable and happy when it’s just the two of us. Plus y’know we’ve met in our mid-forties, we are not into the pub and bar scene, we do beach and surf and road trips. So I’m super worried about lack of evidence in that department!

    We have lived together from the start though and have tenancy agreements in both names. We both worked on the website for his business although I’m not sure how to prove that. I was also heavily involved in organising some school related complications for his daughter which I have email evidence of….racking my brain!

    We do intend to marry but I didn’t want that to be for the sake of a visa – not very romantic. SO without doing that I’m confused about options.

    I’m visiting family in the UK right now but was wondering is it easier to apply for partnership visa whilst already in Australia on a visitor visa as you did?

    The other thing is I am very close to securing a great job in WA (started looking for work before looking into the visa) but with the aforementioned old age (!) would I be able to work? I read something about a bridge visa whilst processing the temporary partner visa would that be a way I could take the job?

    Would be super grateful for any advice!


  96. Hello .. Great to read your update!! Im an Aussie in Mexico and we have submitted my wife´s visa to go to Perth! We tossed up about going with an immigration agent, we did it on our own. We feel confident, if your love is real you have nothing to worry about.. so saving $5000 approx is huge, plus we have our little dog we have to get back also! Best of luck in Australia 🙂

  97. Hi! Thanks for sharing youe experience with applying for the partner visa on-shore. I’ve had my 820 for 12 months now, and I’m currently working on the 801 application. My partner and I have decided to not continue with our migration agent going into this second phase, as they were really not helpful to us in the end and we feel like we’ve been robbed. I’m so glad to read through your blog posts and be informed by someone else’s actual experience.

    A question re: your Supporting Witnesses (i.e. Form 888). In applying for the second phase subclass 801, do you have to go with the same witnesses who did this for you in the first phase sub-class 820? Or will it be more effective to have a different set of people for the second phase? Either (or both) will work in our case, we have plenty of options and friends who will attest to our relationship, just wanting to know what you think would be better.

    Thanks again, and I look forward to your response.

  98. Depending on the category, the Australia Spouse Visa application process can take up to 28 months. The candidate for this visa, or their spouse, must be an eligible New Zealand citizen, Australia PR holder, or citizen. There will initially be a provisional Visa available. Your application could not even be accepted because the rejection rates are higher than you anticipated. For instance, if you’re applying for an Australian partner visa, be prepared for some roadblocks. It’s not impossible to receive one, but in order to succeed, you must follow all the guidelines. Also for those planning to apply for a partner visa for us you can apply here.

  99. Hi! Firstly I want to say thank you for such a detailed guide and best tips.also for the information that you have provided as it helped me alot to understand the process and the documentation. I just wanted to ask when you filled in the passenger card when arriving in Aus on a tourist visa did you state that you are intending to live in Aus in the next 12 months and that you are migrating in Australia permanently.

  100. Hi,

    Just one quick query – If you apply for the Temporary Partner Visa when you arrive in Australia, does the temporary Visa allow you to work while they are reviewing your documents etc. ?

    Thanks for the blog, was extremely helpful.

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